Business Series: Pau and Ari Designs

logoI’m really excited to kick off this Business Series with one of my favourite stores for beautiful stickers and that’s Pau and Ari Designs.  If you’re into stickers or decorating your planner then this one is definitely for you.  I especially love that the products are unique, handmade creations that help to support a small business!  I’m honoured to be a part of the PR team, sharing the amazing goodies they create over on my Instagram account.  The store is named after two awesome ladies – Pau & Ari, of course.  Pau (or Paula) runs the Etsy store – doing everything from admin to designing to packaging the items – whilst Ari helps out by designing some of the stickers.  The store is based in Spain but her postage is very reasonable (it’s cheaper than some local stores!) so I’m forevering spending money over there.

Today, Pau is sharing a little about her etsy store and how it came around.  There’s even a discount code – and I’ve decided to hold a giveaway too – at the end so be sure to check that out!

  1. Why did you start the business?  What’s the motivation behind it?

Well, my business started because I became a fan of the EC Life Planner and the sticker world, I always have been a fan of stickers!  But I found that I couldn’t afford them and that I couldn’t find the ones that I liked or needed so I started doing printables at first, but later on my dad and my husband convinced me to do physical stickers instead.  My motivation was to have a lovely planner and to use my imagination and create beautiful things, when I started to see that people liked my stickers (and Ari’s stickers) it became a job that helps to pay college.

  1. Are there any tips or quotes that you’ve been told that have helped you?

Yes!  Definitely, when I’m feeling down because I don’t have a lot of free time and I feel like all my effort is for nothing I listen to the song of “The Princess and the frog” that is called “I am almost there”, well at least I think that’s the name in English!

  1. How has starting a business affected your life?

I have to ask my husband for help in my studies because I didn’t have a lot of time for reading assignments, also he helps in the shop by getting all orders to the mail!  At the beginning my father did the accounting for me, later he taught me, now I can do it myself!

I don’t have a lot of free time and no vacations because I am scared of closing the shop for even one week!

  1. What motivates you to carry on when things are hard?

That not everybody is as strong as I am, and that I came too far to give up now!

  1. What’s your favourite thing about being your own boss or a business owner?

Controlling my schedule!  If I don’t want to work one day, I won’t, if I want to work 16 hours straight I will.  I love being able to control which days I work.

  1. What’s your least favourite thing about it?

I don’t know how to put limits to myself.  One day I spent 20 hours cutting stickers, no rest.

  1. What do you think is most important when it comes to running a successful business?

Well, I think making friends and contacts is really important, as well as having a good vibe and being nice to everyone and answering fast to messages and comments. Giving like shout outs to followers, reposting pictures of customers… that has helps me a lot!

  1. If you could work or collaborate with anyone or any brand, who would it be and why?

I don’t really know, never thought about it.  I had a bad experience collaborating in a Christmas Box, I was disappointed with the fact that the person who organize it didn’t do what she promised…  Also, a worst experience at a San Valentine Box with two girls, who decided to lie to me, don’t put my stickers in her box even though they had them, and being rude and really mean.  So, I could say that I really don’t want to collaborate with anybody right now, not even sponsor for events because I participated in one for US and turned out in a total disaster and lie…

  1. If you could speak to your pre business self, what would you say?

Chill Paula, everything will be fine and if not, it is ok.  Follow your own style, don’t be naïve and never let other people pull you down.  There are a lot of mean people but you have to be over that.

  1. Where would you like to see your business go in the next five years?

I would love to be able to live out it, right now it is more like a hobby, I don’t make a lot but helps to pay my college’s fees and helps around the house!

Show us how you use your favourite products:

My favourite products are the full kits, I am obsessed with them because in one kit I have everything I want and need! Here are some of my absolutely favourites!

Pau is incredibly hardworking and is always willing to listen to ideas or suggestions.  I’m forever requesting her to make various sets for me and I absolutely love the results.  She has a lovely Facebook group, where you can go suggest some new creations or mingle with other Pau & Ari Design lovers!  I highly recommend popping over to her Etsy store and hitting that “favourite” button on her shop so you can keep updated with any news and have a look at her products in close detail.  She has really reasonable shipping costs and is top notch when it comes to providing good customer service!

Want a discount code?

Use “Reema20” for 20% off (minimum spend is 12 euros) or check out her Facebook group/ Instagram page for flash sales or other discounts.  Please let her know that I sent you, if you do check her out!

Want some free items?

As I love Pau’s shop so much, I decided to do a small giveaway of some of her products over here.  Please check it out if you’re interested in a chance to win.

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