How to find motivation to read more


Last week, I shared 35 resolutions that will help you to become a better you.  It wasn’t just for you, it was for me too.  One of those was to “read more” and it’s one that I really need to do.  So I thought I’d make that resolution one of mine for this year, making it apt to share how I plan to do that this year.  I don’t read enough, in my opinion and I’ve always said that “one day, I’ll be a read more”.  Of course, one day never really comes, does it?  So with resolution 14 in mind, I’ve decided to actually pick up some books that I’ve been meaning to read but never got around to it.  And let’s be fair, the best way to achieve a target you probably wouldn’t have planned to achieve is to set up something to motivate you to do it – and that’s where this post comes in handy!

In my searches, I came across a few things that I’ve started to do or am planning to use – in the hopes that they’ll help me to achieve my goal & in turn, also help you to do the same.  I thought I’d share a few of my favourites here today.Read More »

35 Resolutions to becoming a better you

Since deciding last week that I should work towards hitting my focus in life, I thought I’d think about some resolutions that would help me to achieve that goal.  It’s a simple goal but one that can apply to anyone, which is to simply be the best me that I can be.  Resolutions work timely with the new year and also my birthday, which marks my personal new year (as yours would for you).  I thought of a bunch of resolutions that may be applicable to you so check out the list and see what you think!

If you haven’t found the perfect resolutions for you then this ideas list is a great place to start.  Whether you just haven’t made some yet or you want to try another one, hopefully you’ll find an idea to inspire you from this list!

become-the-best-version-of-yourselfRead More »

The old school “new year, new you”


Oh wow, I’ve missed blogging.  I just don’t feel the same when I’m not able to call myself a blogger – so what better day to relaunch my blog than my birthday?  It’s been a hectic few months – what with volunteering abroad for 2.5 months, the run up to Christmas and my travel plans for NYE – and I came back to find that I couldn’t access any of my 32 WordPress drafts!  (Yes 32…  I don’t even know why I have so many.  They may need a little bit of a clear out, to be quite honest). For some reason, none of the drafts seemed to appear – which caused a little state of panic in me.  I thought I had lost all of my drafts – which was only made worse by the fact that my phone randomly died in October!  After losing all of my photos and data, I’m a little weary of technology failing me.  Has this taught me to back up things?  No.  But that’s another story entirely.

What I wanted to do was quickly update you all and just get back into blogging, now that I have figured how to finally get my drafts to reappear.  And what better time to get back into blogging than the new year, on my birthday?  Because a birthday is like another year – instead of saying “I will achieve this in 2017”, you could easily use your birthdays to say “I will achieve this at the age of 26”.  I know that January will be fairly busy for me as I have just returned from Bali and have to catch up with all I missed from Christmas, especially all of the work that’s mounted up at the office for me.  So it may be unrealistic to even pretend that I’ll start blogging regularly straight away.  However, that is definitely a goal for 2017 – something I am determined to stick to, as I absolutely adore blogging and I miss it every time I stop.  There are a lot of ideas that I have, perhaps too many, which will take way too much time to complete and it’s incredibly easy to get overwhelmed by that – which I believe is a reason for my inconsistency in the past.  That is something I am trying to work on and my plan is simple. It’s literally just to start doing it by taking one step at a time.

Speaking of goals, I feel like that is a very apt topic for this time of the year.  Everyone’s been busy preparing for Christmas and the start of 2017, which brings us to resolutions.  I normally don’t set resolutions as I don’t think you should wait until the new year to do something you want to do.  If you think you should stop smoking or lose weight, there’s no better time than right now, right this minute to make that decision.  You don’t have to wait until the 1st January to do that.  I also don’t like that most resolutions are broken faster than they are set.  I know plenty of people who talk about how they’ve broken their resolutions – some within weeks but others within only hours or days.  Yet not many people who talk about how they’ve managed to keep it.

All that being said, I love the idea that everyone sets resolutions together and attempts to achieve them together.  Whatever your resolution is, having someone keeping you accountable can certainly help you to feel more motivated to do it.  So although we shouldn’t wait for the new year to make the changes we want to make, we can definitely take advantage of the opportunity when it arises and set our resolutions!

I haven’t really thought of specific resolutions yet – I’ve only just decided that I should set some and make changes that will help me to achieve my goals.  For a while, I have been aiming to do one thing: to simply be the best me I can be.  This involves improving myself wherever I think I need to – from changing bad habits to developing my skills.  This is definitely a goal that anyone could have.  What it means for you depends solely on yourself.  To help me to become the best version of myself, it’s important to sit down and have a think about what I want to improve or change.  This is where the specific resolutions come in.  They’ll be some of the things that I want to change or improve upon – so, it’s now time to start thinking what they could be!

Whilst I think of mine, I’d love to know what are your resolutions?